Treatment of cervical bone necrosis symptoms

the cause of cervical bone necrosis

When the doctor makes a diagnosis - cervical bone necrosis, the symptoms of treatment have an inseparable relationship. This is because the disease is considered to be complex and has many levels, one symptom or the other will not only indicate the stage of the disease, but also accurately indicate how long it extends to critical areas. any of the body is affected.

Symptoms of necrosis of the cervical spine

  1. When the nerve ends of the spine are compressed, symptoms have their own characteristic features. Pain in the neck, arms, and throat and this pain can be immediately reflected in other areas, such as the back. Breathing and swallowing can be difficult and the tongue feels numb or “swollen”. Noise can be heard in the ears and there may be pain when shooting, "blurred" and "dark" vision in the eyes. A person begins to experience severe discomfort, affecting various organs, possibly feeling severe fatigue and lethargy, they want to lie down and rest. After rest, there is usually no remission.
  2. The vertebral artery loses the ability to adequately feed the brain. This is threatening with the appearance of headache (intermittent or recurring), loss of coordination while walking, dizziness and loss of consciousness. In addition, confusion in the form of confusion, hallucinations, and psychosis may occur. A person at a given moment may feel good, and after any physical exertion, he will experience any of these symptoms.
  3. With circulatory disorders, increased blood pressure, tachycardia and spinal stroke occur. Vascular dystonia with constricted blood vessels and arrhythmia will be observed until osteonecrosis is completely cured.
  4. The level of intracranial pressure increases and symptoms such as a feeling of head "swelling" due to severe pain, weakness and vomiting, dizziness and collapse occur.

Treatment of cervical bone necrosis

A person who has experienced symptoms of cervical necrosis in the form of pain and stiffness with movement can quickly relieve their condition. Pain relievers must be taken orally. Ointment will have an effective effect, save money. Taking pain relievers, you must adhere to the dosage and contraindications.

After remission the patient should consult a doctor. We must not forget that painkillers can only conceal symptoms, not cure them. Separately, it should be noted that for pain from the neck to the back, arms and legs, the ointment is applied exclusively to the neck. But despite the fact that a person does not see a doctor, he cannot know the exact diagnosis. And he tries to "treat" everything at once, successfully achieving only an allergic effect.

Treatment is prescribed only after complete examination and diagnosis. It is aimed at improving blood circulation in the affected areas, reducing swelling and stress, and eliminating pain. For this, pain relievers are used in the form of an ointment or an injection (antispasmodic).

Important!Need to take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors and vitamins B 6 and B 12.

Vasodilators work in different ways. These are psychotropic drugs that reduce nerve impulses and direct nerves, acting on the muscles themselves. Due to their action, the negative of the vessel wall decreases and the lumen becomes larger, increasing blood flow to the brain.

Physiotherapeutic procedures will help relieve pain and make patient relief. In this disease, electrophoresis, paraffin and water procedures, magnetic therapy, ultrasound and ultraviolet irradiation are used successfully. Massage (not strong) and therapeutic exercise (often) have proven themselves well. Wearing a special medical necklace will help support your head and neck.

An alternative method, and in other cases, a complement to treatment, is special gymnastics.

Folk remedies for disease reduction

cervical bone necrosis treatment with massage
  1. Gently massage with warm honey. It is necessary to rub it thoroughly, then wrap the neck and make the honey heat.
  2. Rub with pain-warming compounds. You can soak in alcohol - pepper, garlic, you can use fresh parts of these plants (horseradish, onions, turnips are also suitable).
  3. Take a warm pine-wood bath. Preparing decoction 0, 5 kg. needles and 2 liters. Country. This bath water is done within half an hour.

It is necessary to closely monitor the body's allergic reactions to the ingredients used and remember that these remedies alleviate but not cure the disease.

Disease prevention

A person with a cervical spine problem will have to regularly spend time in this area to be able to start moving completely again and not face this problem in the future.

Talking about the prevention of cervical necrosis, it should be noted:

  • the importance of diet - food should be rich in calcium and magnesium (dairy products and fish, legumes and grains) and vitamins.
  • It takes time to maintain body shape (swimming is very helpful), then the muscles of the neck will be strong enough and load off the spine.
  • The importance of excluding (or reducing) from your life the factors that cause cervical bone necrosis. Symptoms and treatment are bothersome and long-lasting, and prevention is quite simple and easy.