Back pain in the rib area in the back

My back hurts, maybe everywhere. Back pain below the ribs is the most difficult to diagnose, pain. It seems that there is nothing easier, anatomical reference, and to draw a parallel between the "geographical" position of the body, and local pain. However, the situation is difficult here:

  • Some diseases with similar clinical picture
  • The pain is often not concentrated in one place, to capture a wide enough area, and up to pass through the body
sore ribs from behind

Why pain in back under the ribs

Even the seemingly identical symptoms, each disease only their own characteristic features, which enable to diagnose.

Traditionally, these diseases can be divided into several groups:

  • Pathology of the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT)
  • Disease of the respiratory system
  • Myocardial infarction gastralgia type
  • Internal injuries
  • Diseases of the spleen
  • Renal colic
  • Pathology of the diaphragm
  • Hematoma, and formation of retroperitoneal space
  • Cold.
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Autonomic nervous system disorders

Back pain left side ribs during

  1. Pancreatitis
    • The chronic form, the pain under the left rib moderate intensity, radiating to the back under the left shoulder. Often surrounded by the character, yielding, first-rear
    • It seems, after intake of fatty, sweet foods
    • The acute form, the pain is sudden, sharp, changes with the change in position, when breathing or coughing
    • Accompanied by nausea and relieve vomiting
    • In acute pancreatitis, increased toxicity, cyanosis, the skin, traces of point-like hemorrhages in the umbilical area page

    Pain in the left epigastric region, often associated with the excessive consumption of fatty, sweet, fried foods

  2. Pancreatic cancer
    • Pain of the similar nature of the pain syndrome in chronic pancreatitis, but is not associated with food intake
    • Cancer of the body-tail of the gland pain attack in the left subcostal region, high-intensity output in the back
  3. Myocardial infarction astrological forms
    • Unique rare form that affects the lower part of the left ventricle
    • The pain at first, back under the heart, similar to an attack of gastritis, nausea, hiccups, intestinal diseases. It is very difficult to diagnose
    • Then after analgesics pain attack is increasingly characterized by a heart attack:
      localization of painful pressure pain behind the breastbone, the return to the left under the shoulder blade, shoulder, neck, arm case
  4. The disease of the spleen
    Often the spleen will increase the error in the following diseases:

    • Hemolytic anemia
    • Leukemia, lymphoma
    • Lymphoma
    • High blood pressure is the disease of the liver
    • Infectious mononucleosis
    • Endocarditis, lupus erythematosus, etc.


    • Dull pain under left rib
    • The veins of the esophagus, subcutaneous venous arteries to dilate
    • In parallel to developing liver failure

Back pain right side ribs under

  1. Liver disease (cirrhosis, hepatitis, swelling, steatosis, congestion)
    • Because a dull pulling pain below the rib cage (it doesn't hurt, the liver, and the capsules)
    • The blood test shows liver failure
    • There may be circulatory disorders
    • Maybe jaundice
  2. Acute cholecystitis
    • Sharp pain in the costal margin, dans under the scapula, the clavicle and the neck
    • Nausea, vomiting, fever
    • Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (optional feature)
  3. Cholelithiasis:
    • Attack of the unbearably sharp pain under the ribs, the back kick in the back
    • Vomiting is missing, unlike cholecystitis,
    • When the stone in the bile duct, the pain immediately goes away
  4. Chronic cholecystitis
    • The pain is mild, occurs after ingestion of fatty fried spicy foods
    • Burping, vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth
  5. Inflammation of the pancreas head of the pancreas cancer
    Similar symptoms, reminiscent of dyskinesia of bile ducts:
    • Give pain in the right upper quadrant
    • May be accompanied by jaundice

Back pain under right rib, because of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas

the pain due to ulcers

The pain symptoms under the ribs in the middle

  1. Ulcer of the stomach, duodenum
    • Give pain pugione type-ahead in the middle part superiore me quadrante on my space left that can be given back. The peculiarity of these pains:
      these are reinforced on an empty stomach, after meals, and after that the stress
    • The patient is in the forced position in which the pain syndrome has been alleviated somewhat
    • It should be noted that the stool the presence of blood (the stool may remain black appearance)
    • Pain, when dentition is accompanied by deterioration of general condition due to beginning peritonitis: nausea, vomiting, fever
  2. Stomach cancer
    • Gives pain, which usually occur in late stage, when the tumor attacks the stomach wall, pressure on adjacent organs
    • The disease accompanied by weakness, weight loss
    • Change in taste preferences (for example, you may find that an aversion to meat)
  3. Pathology of the diaphragm
    • Subphrenic abscess most commonly occurs when injury to the abdomen or after surgery
    • Extreme pain during inhalation to the front under the ribs (middle), radiating under the shoulder blade, the area above the clavicle
    • The patient may be lying on the side or semi-sitting
    • Fever or severe intoxication

Pain under the ribs in the various localization

  1. Right-side pneumonia
    • Pain below the ribs that occurs during inspiration and coughing without a clear localization, is accompanied by high temperature
    • Possible radiation attack abdomen simulated appendicitis
    • If you are driving there is shortness of breath
    • Nasolabial triangle – bluish color
  2. Dry pleurisy
    • Volunteer for the lung diseases (tuberculosis, lung cancer)
    • Pain in right side under the ribs, worse not only for breathing, but regular movement, radiation to back
    • Accompanied by shortness of breath and peripheral cyanosis
  3. Internal injuries
    Often rupture the spleen, or the liver due to mechanical injury (accident, fall, height) or pathological processes (leukemia, cirrhosis), in violation of the internal structure.
    • Severe pain in the left rib cage (spleen trauma) or right (liver), increasing due to the accumulating under the capsule of blood in a horizontal position
    • The severe blood loss, the pulse quickens, the blood pressure falls, pale skin
    • Personal injury is a risk of confidentiality: the victim feel nice to walk, but his condition deteriorates, he may die. In particular, often occurs in cases, when you first damaged liver parenchyma, and a time after a fracture of the capsule, bleeding into the abdominal cavity

  4. Renal colic (suspension)

    renal colic

    Back pain back just below the rib cage may cause renal colic

    • Attacks of pain in the back below the ribs, painful, dans the groin, hip, abdomen
    • Since the progress of concrement in the ureter move the rib region of the back of the lower lumbar and ilion-sacral region
    • Pain attacks can be treated products heat treatments
    • Surgical treatment is indicated if there are:
      • Obstruction (blockage) of the ureter
      • Hydronephrosis of the kidney
  5. Retroperitoneal haematoma
    • Formed primarily as a result of injury to the kidney, adrenal, or retroperitoneal class 12 duodenal ulcer
    • Accompanied by pain in subcostal region back in the back, and the great loss of blood:
      • it could be that the patient suddenly falls to the HELL
      • in hemoglobin in the blood to reduce
      • increasing pallor, weakness.
  6. Cold.
    • Horrible, heartbreaking (sometimes stupid) paroxysmal pain in the left or right under the ribs appear when you inhale
    • Given a wide area:
      under the shoulder blade, lower back, heart


    • the compression of the intercostal nerves
    • increased tone, extensor of the shoulder scapular muscles

    To provoke intercostal neuralgia following diseases
    Low back pain, hypothermia, uncomfortable posture, stress

  7. Osteochondrosis
    • The chronic form is manifested in the form of constant aching pain in the back below the ribs
    • The function of pain in the distribution area of innervation of the affected nerves:
      The lumbar region of the rear surface of the buttocks, thighs, or drumsticks
    • The exacerbation of pain syndrome in the character of lumbago, arising from the movement of the tilt or rotation of the trunk. The patient is forced to stand still in a position
  8. Autonomic nervous system disorders
    • The pain occurs unexpected and not justified by objective reasons. Investigation did not show serious abnormalities in addition to dystonia, these are the symptoms:
      • spasmodic pressure
      • the symptoms of respiratory insufficiency
      • shortness of breath, heart palpitations, angina
      • irritable bowel syndrome
      • insomnia, irritability
    • It hurts everywhere: to the left, then right, then in the middle of the upper quadrant

Pain below the ribs in the back may be the cause of many diseases, even the most unexpected.

cause of the pain

The pain in right side under ribs in back: causes

If you suddenly start to bother pain in the right side below the ribs in the back, people don't always understand what you need to see a doctor. People don't know the drug, usually attributed to the occurrence of this disturbing symptom of kidney disease. But the practice shows that in many cases, painful symptoms, the right side of the back did not cause other similar serious diseases. Let's see how disease can be the cause of the above phenomenon.

Pain to use the right upper quadrant of the back, for a number of reasons. In addition to the kidney, this area was home to the gallbladder, colon, pancreas, lung. Malfunction of any of these organs can also manifest as discomfort in the lower back. Also the pain on the right radiating to back, often when problems, nervous system, spine, and pelvic organs.

Acute back pain: should I panic?

Often sharp pain in the back may indicate urgent treatment, but even with the surgery. In such cases, the speed assist may depend on the patient's life. Therefore, pay special attention to what kind of signals need to urgently ask for help from the doctors:

  • the incessant sudden sharp pain;
  • sharp pain below the rib cage;
  • strong lower back pain accompanied by weakness, dizziness or loss of consciousness.

The treatment of pain in the right back

Without consulting a doctor to take any medication is not recommended, because the right side of the body for many vital organs. Immediate pain may take painkillers.

However, this does not solve the problem, but only allows you to forget for a short time. It is therefore recommended the presence of back pain on the right side to a specialist who examine the medical history of the conduct, the number of tests and to clearly identify the cause of these pains. After that you will be diagnosed, and assigned to the appropriate treatment.