Back pain - symptoms, treatment.

Back pain is a symptom, the disease is often the muscles of the back and the spine. In this article we look at why back pain.

The problem in the lower back may be the result of diseases of the bone tissue of the spine, the lumbar discs between the vertebrae, ligaments around the spine and discs, spinal cord, nerves, muscles of the low back, internal organs, pelvis, abdomen, and the skin covering the lumbar area. The upper back can be painful as a consequence, the diseases of the aorta, breast tumor or inflammation of the spine.

the treatment of back pain

A sudden, short pain in the lower back also called lumbago, and gradually developed chronic lumbalgia. If you hurt your lower back (the coccyx) coccygodynia.

The back pain causes

In most cases, back pain is due to musculoskeletal diseases (micro damages to the joints, ligaments of the spine after heavy loads of them, tension or spasm of muscles). Some of the less common causes of pain in stronger changes of the spine, such as herniated disks or vertebra displacement (spondylolisthesis). Finally, in rare cases, back pain may be associated with serious diseases (tumors and inflammatory processes of the spine, spinal cord, diseases of the internal organs, kidney, heart, pancreas, pelvic organs, etc.).

Possible causes of back pain

  • Muscle cramps;
  • A sprain (ligament injury );
  • Muscle injury;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Bleeding in the pelvis;
  • The aortic dissection;
  • The infection of the spine, pelvis;
  • Lumbar spinal stenosis;
  • Metastases to the spine (cancer has spread to the spine from other organs);
  • Viral infections, including the flu.

A disease in which the back pain

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm;
  • Ankylosing spondylitis;
  • Bone cancer;
  • Coccygodynia;
  • Degenerative diseases of the vertebral disks;
  • Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Fibromyalgia;
  • Break;
  • Kidney stones;
  • Arthritis;
  • Paget ' s disease;
  • Pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer (girdle pain);
  • Patients with psoriatic Arthritis;
  • Reactive arthritis;
  • Sciatica;
  • Herpes zoster (pain, a characteristic rash on the skin).

What is the risk that the back pain

Usually, back pain, lasting nature, aggravated by movement, physical exertion, and is accompanied by the limited mobility of the spine, and a feeling of stiffness in the back. In most cases, typically the latent, of course, in which episodes of exacerbations, usually, intense physical activity, long-term presence in an awkward position, or hypothermia, is replaced by more or less long time, during which the pain is absent or minimally expressed.

cause of the pain

In the majority of cases of back pain do not represent a direct threat to the life, health, human, and often their own (without treatment). However, sometimes the back pain may be due to serious diseases of the spine, or internal organs.

Following are the features of the back pain, which are associated with severe disease. If any of these symptoms contact a doctor immediately, but in any case not to self-medicate.

  • Back pain is constant and localized in one place.
  • Back pain is not reduced in the supine position, or occurs at night.
  • Back pain accompanied by fever.
  • Back pain accompanied by muscle tension, the limbs or the combination of prolonged stiffness in the morning.

Diagnosis back pain

  • Examination of the neurologist to assess the condition of the nervous system, muscles and spine.
  • General analysis of blood, urine tests to exclude inflammation of the kidney.
  • Spine x-ray to exclude osteomyelitis, fracture, and other diseases. The clarification identified by the x-rays changes, the doctor and request a CT scan or MRI of the spine (the first allows us to assess the condition of the bony structures, the second — the spinal cord, and intervertebral discs).

Very often, when these studies show degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs, vertebral bodies makes the diagnosis "osteochondrosis". It should be noted that the degenerative disc disease is not in itself a disease, which reflects the age-related changes of the spine. Certain changes in the intervertebral discs (including the hernia) show, almost every man of Mature age, including the never experienced pain. In other words, identification sign of osteoarthritis on x-rays or a herniated disc is magnetic resonance imaging does not give us reason to believe that the back pain associated with them (such a decision can only be made by the doctor based on the results of the clinical investigation).

The treatment of back pain

To fully recover from the back pain a lot of times you don't succeed, at the same time reducing the exacerbations frequency of the corresponding lifestyle, drug therapy. The treatment of pain depends on the cause of the appearance. Choose the treatment that suits You can be a doctor.

The effect of therapeutic interventions take time so you need patience, perseverance. The main goal of the treatment is not only for the relief of acute pain, but also to prevent exacerbation of the disease in the future.

How to relieve back pain

Bed rest can contribute to the transition of acute pain in the back chronic. With this in mind, when moderate pain is not necessary in bed, when severe pain, limit duration (1-3 days).

If you have back pain should be limited at this time, the physical activity, in particular, avoid heavy work, long stay in position; it is important that the movement without increasing the load on the spine.

Get rid of the spine to relax it is advisable to use a special belt or corset.

back treatment

Cure your back pain

The treatment depends on the cause of the back pain, and appoint the doctor after the test.

The pain relief with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, manufactured in the form of tablets, ampoule forms for injections, creams, gels and pain medications or combination of medications. Drugs in both groups prescribed a short course (usually 3-5 days). In addition to eliminating the pain, apply compresses with a solution of local anesthetics, pharmacological blockade (which can be done only by the doctor).

The pain associated with muscle tension, drugs, to eliminate the muscle spasm (muscle relaxants of Central action 1-2 weeks). This drug only with prescription.

Currently, the treatment of back pain associated with degenerative changes in the spine (osteochondrosis), I recommend special drugs, drugs, which stimulate the production of the main components of cartilage tissue, and thus inhibits the destruction. The effectiveness of these drugs, the diseases of the spine there is no evidence the same can be said of the many widely advertised supplements (usually containing herbs, biological products, vitamins, etc.) and homeopathic remedies. Despite the fact that these devices are freely dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription, do not take them without consulting a doctor.

Physiotherapy, physiotherapy treatment of back pain

To reduce the severity of the pain you can apply a dry warm (but not deep heat), and other physiotherapy treatments, but only after consulting the doctor.

After the end of the acute period of useful therapeutic exercise for special complexes (back muscles strengthening, abdomen) and massage.

Chiropractic for back pain

Manual therapy may be prescribed only by a doctor after carrying out x-ray and/or magnetic resonance imaging, which allows to objectively assess the condition of the spine and the surrounding tissues. The proper implementation of manual therapy (effect the joints, the spine, the tendons, muscles) allows you to set the local disturbances (e.g., muscle tension, subluxations of the joints) which sometimes allows you to quickly and effectively eliminate back pain.

Manual treatment contraindications, limitations:

  • Hernia or destruction of intervertebral disc (displacement of the fragments may cause compression of the spinal cord, spinal roots, blood vessels).
  • After myocardial infarction, stroke, cancer, tuberculosis of the spine, the dysfunction of the endocrine system in cases of severe osteoporosis.
  • Severe exacerbations, accompanied by a sharp restriction of mobility of the spine due to pain, muscle tension in the back (possibly increased symptoms).
  • The diseases of the blood vessels, diseases of coagulation.

If improperly performed chiropractic can lead to serious complications, so should only be performed by a trained professional (doctor, specialist). Totally unacceptable behaviour manual therapy average health care professionals and persons without medical education!


Acupuncture (acupuncture) is often a positive impact of moderate back pain, especially that caused by muscle tension, combined psycho-emotional disorders. Although, according to the ideas of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture can be used in any disease, it is considered that acupuncture is contraindicated in the following cases.

  • The diseases of the cardiovascular.
  • The presence of benign or malignant tumors (including the past).
  • The disease, which is urgent surgical intervention.
  • The violations of the function, kidneys, liver.
  • The presence of the tendency to bleeding, or drugs that violate the blood clotting.
  • The acute infectious diseases.
  • The pregnancy.

The yoga back pain

The yoga not only help relieve pain but also relieve tension in the back muscles, reduces inflammation. Just 5 minutes a day to devote to the practice, soon you will see the results.

The back pain prevention

  • Use comfortable bed in the company of the hard mattress.
  • Try to maintain proper posture when walking.
  • Observe the correct posture at the Desk when working on the computer. Please note that the forearm when I was in the crowd, completely on the table. For continuous operation, use a chair with backrest, headrest, armrest the rest.
  • Avoid prolonged stay in one position (computer, driving a car). Try every half hour to stretch, to stretch, to move.
  • During a long stay in an upright position, locate the fulcrum of the back, arm, or head (for example, lean back against a vertical surface, from the train station).
  • If you wear shoes with high heels, remember that you can walk in it without interruption up to 2 hours.
  • Avoid sharp turns, slopes, the body always strives to support the Commission of such acts.
  • If you need to pick up something on the ground, you have to squat, but not skinny.
  • Do not lift or move the weights to take them in front of you, avoid the bullshit, and try to keep your back straight.
  • Strengthens the back muscles through physical therapy, swimming, workout at the gym.
  • Maintain a normal body weight