Cervical spine tumors

Cervical bone necrosis

A bone tumor is a degenerative-dystrophic disc lesion and the neck area is the most vulnerable part of the spine, with anatomically different structures of the vertebrae. very close together and a bunch of weak muscles. Consequently, even with a small amount of burden on the neck, displacement of the vertebrae may occur, resulting in compression of blood vessels and nerves.

And since the vertebral arteries are involved in supplying blood to the brain through the holes in the transverse process of the vertebra in this part, the compression of the vertebrae in this part or the compression of the holes due toovergrowth of bone cells leads to very serious consequences.

What is this?

Cervical spine tumor is a progressive pluralistic disease, manifested by degeneration of the disc and ligamentous apparatus of the spine.

The reason for

The main causes and prerequisites that lead to the appearance of cervical vertebra necrosis are:

  1. Curvature of the spine, scoliosis.
  2. Stress, nervous stress negatively affects the general state of the body, can cause cervical bone tumor.
  3. Infectious diseases of the past often became the root cause.
  4. Incorrect body position, uncomfortable sleeping (eg, uncomfortable pillow).
  5. Congenital problems or presence of genetic diseases of the cervical spine.
  6. Poor posture in teenagers and adolescents.
  7. Overweight and obesity of varying degrees. The extra weight increases the load on the vertebrae and disc, leading to degeneration.
  8. Back injuries may have occurred during childhood or adolescence.
  9. Interrupts metabolism.
  10. Work involving manual labor, which can cause diseases of the spine in different parts.
  11. Sedentary lifestyle, sedentary, improper exercise.

In order to successfully treat cervical fibroids, it is necessary first to determine the cause of the problem, the prerequisites that provoke its growth and eliminate them. Until recently, the disease only occurred in people over 45 years old. Currently young people are in contact with it, aged 18-25 years.

Characteristics of the cervical spine

Consider how the cervical spine differs from the rest of the spine and in the development of osteonecrosis disease is a prerequisite for the development of these syndromes.

  • In the cervical region there are important nodes (nodes) of the autonomic nervous system.
  • During the transverse passage of the vertebrae, holes form a channel through which the vertebral artery passes, providing oxygen and nutrients to the brain, cerebellum, auditory organs and even the burning nerves. living. These are prerequisites for regular clamping of arteries and nerves.
  • The most mobile neck spine. He is characterized by all sorts of full movements. These are the prerequisites for frequent violations and sub-assignments.
  • The disc of the three lower vertebrae is not circular but triangular. These are the prerequisites for the compression of nerve roots by the growth of the bone that is formed during bone destruction.
  • Discs do not lie between vertebral bodies along their entire length. In the anterior section, instead of them, there are convex edges of the vertebrae, joined together by joints. These are the prerequisites for the appearance of the joint.

The stages of development

The degree of bone necrosis is determined by the clinical picture and complaints of the patient. The concept of degree should not be confused with stages of bone necrosis. The stages are discussed below.

  1. The first level. Clinical manifestations are minimal, patients may complain of low-intensity cervical spine pain, which may be worse when the head turns. Physical examination reveals slight muscle tension in the neck.
  2. The second level. Patients are concerned about pain in the spine of the neck, which is much greater intensity, can be projected on the shoulder, in the arm. This is caused by a decrease in the height of the disc and compression of the nerve roots. Pain increases when tilting and turning the head. Patients may experience decreased performance, weakness, headache.
  3. The third level. The symptoms of tarsal necrosis increase, the pain becomes intermittent when irradiated into the arm or shoulder. Numbness or weakness occurs in the muscles of the arm, caused by a herniated disc. Worry about weakness, dizziness. Examination of the cervical spine is limited, when palpation of the cervical spine is painful.
  4. Fourth level. The disc is completely destroyed and is replaced with connective tissue. Increased dizziness, tinnitus, impaired coordination, due to this process is related to the vertebral artery feeding the cerebellum and occipital lobe of the brain.



The severity of degenerative cervical degenerative disease symptoms depends on the severity of the damage to the vertebral structures. Symptoms are exacerbated by the growth of bone tissue with the formation of bone cells, lens syndrome (lens pain when a nerve is pinched), disc herniation (bulging disc into the spinal canal).

The first signs of the disease are recurrent occipital headache, pain in the neck, scratching and clicking in the vertebrae when turning the head, and sometimes a slight throbbing in the shoulder. Over time, symptoms increase and the intensity of pain also increases.

Pain syndrome is a major manifestation of osteonecrosis. Dull, persistent or throbbing neck pain with occipital lower back pain when turning head. The entire cervical or projection area of ​​the vertebra is altered, as well as the collarbone, shoulder, scapula, and heart area, which can be painful. The irradiation of the lower jaw pain area, teeth, arms, ears, eye area is not excluded. The muscles of the neck and shoulders are tight, painful to the touch. Difficulty lifting the arm from the injured side - immediate lower back pain in the shoulder or neck. Limiting head movement due to pain usually occurs in the morning after sleeping in an uncomfortable position.

The disease leads to compression of the roots of the peripheral nerves (lens syndrome) and causes pain along these nerves. Probably numb hands or fingers, decreased sensitivity of some inner skin due to pinched nerve.

Some typical symptoms suggest which vertebra is affected:

  • C1 - decrease in occipital sensitivity;
  • C2 - pain in the occipital and parietal region;
  • C3 - decrease in sensitivity and pain in the half of the neck where the spinal nerve is compromised, possible impaired tongue sensitivity, poor speech due to loss of tongue control;
  • C4 - impaired shoulder-nape sensitivity and pain, decreased head and neck muscle tone, possible respiratory disturbances, liver and heart pain;
  • C5 - sensory pain and disturbances on the outer surface of the shoulder;
  • C6 - pain extending from neck to shoulder blade, forearm, outer side of shoulder, outer side of forearm to thumb;
  • C7 - pain extending from neck to shoulder blade, behind shoulder, forearm to II - IV fingers of hand, decreased sensitivity in this area.
  • C8 - pain and sensory disturbances spreading from neck to shoulder, forearm to little finger.

Cervical fibroids are always accompanied by headaches. Severe, persistent pain that is worse with sudden neck rotation or movement. Some patients complain of heaviness in the head. Compression of the vertebral artery leads to dizziness and nausea in attacks. There is noise, tinnitus, flashing black dots in front of my eyes. Impaired cerebral circulation leads to gradual loss of hearing and vision, tongue numbness and changes in taste.

Clicking or scratching as neck movement is almost always associated with cervical bone necrosis, observed in all patients. A cracking noise occurs when turning the head hard or turning around.

Syndrome due to cervical bone necrosis

Symptoms of cervical necrosis are grouped into specific groups called the syndromes. Their presence and severity may indicate a pathology of the cervical spine with a specific location.

A common group of syndromes:

  1. Plant dystrophy syndrome. Displacement of the first cervical vertebrae can lead to the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia. VSD is not a definitive diagnosis, as it does not have obvious symptoms. There may be neurological signs, cerebral blood flow impaired symptoms, increased intracranial pressure, muscle spasticity. As a result, patient complaints decreased, such as dizziness, decreased vision, loss of consciousness, headache, nausea.
  2. Irritation - reflexes. Burning and throbbing pain in the back of the head and neck, sometimes back to the chest and shoulders, arising from changing positions of the head and neck, accompanied by strong sneezing and turning of the head.
  3. lenticular. Also known as cervical gland inflammation, it combines symptoms associated with invasion of nerve roots of the cervical vertebra. Characterized by "chills" in the affected area, tingling in the fingers, forearms, loose skin, spreading to certain fingers.
  4. Cardiology. The picture is almost similar to angina attacks that often lead to inaccurate diagnosis and treatment. The syndrome occurs due to stimulation of phrenic nerve receptors, partially involved in the pericardium and the sternum muscle. Consequently, contractions in the heart region are more reflective, like a response to stimulation of cervical nerves.
  5. Spinal artery syndrome. It develops directly both with the compression of the artery itself and with the stimulation of the sympathetic plexus surrounding it. Pain in this pathology is burning or throbbing pain in the occipital region and spreading to the temples, super mi, and cusp. Occurring on both side and side. Patients often associate exacerbations with post-sleep status in a non-physiological position, walking in traffic, and walking. With severe symptoms, possible hearing loss, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, increased blood pressure.


Like any diagnosis in medicine, the diagnosis of osteonecrosis is established on the basis of patient complaints, medical history, physical examination and adjuvant research methods. Cervical spine x-rays are performed on the front and rear projections, if needed at special positions (with mouth open). At the same time, the specialist is concerned with the height of the disc, the presence of bone-forming cells.

Among modern research methods, NMR and CT studies are used, allowing to verify the most accurate diagnosis. In addition to the listed additional research methods, it may be necessary to consult the relevant specialist (cardiologist, ophthalmologist, neurosurgeon) and examination byNeurologist is simply important. A neurologist is involved in the treatment of osteonecrosis, therefore, after examining the patient, he will prescribe the minimum necessary examination.

How to treat cervical fibroids?

Comprehensive treatment of degenerative cervical vertebrae may include the following traditional and non-traditional methods: drug therapy, massage, reflexology, manual therapy, physical therapy, acupuncturerescue, homeopathy, folk remedies, v. v.

The main treatment regimen for osteonecrosis is the same for all sites of the disease:

  • First you need to relieve the pain.
  • After that, the swelling should go away.
  • At this stage it is necessary to normalize blood circulation.
  • Strengthens the corset.
  • Improves tissue regeneration and nutrition.

A rich list of medicines and medicines to treat genital warts at home:

  1. Anti-inflammatory (steroid). These are hormonal drugs that help reduce inflammation and thus, eliminate pain;
  2. Pain reliever (non-steroidal pain reliever). They are usually prescribed in the form of tablets or capsules. It should be remembered that most of these drugs irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract;
  3. Muscle relaxants are drugs that relax muscle tone. They are used in surgery and orthopedics as an adjunct to pain relief. These drugs are administered by injection and are therefore under constant medical supervision. There is a rich list of contraindications;
  4. Neck bone tumors
  5. Chondroprotectors are drugs that contain substances that replace the components of cartilage tissue. To achieve a long-term positive effect, these drugs must be taken for a very long time;
  6. Ointments and gels for external use. This is the most accessible group of drugs for use at home. These are divided into anti-inflammatory, warming and analgesic medications. Such funds are often advertised. With cervical osteonecrosis, not all ointments are effective, in addition, due to their availability they are sometimes used inappropriately and without taking into account the specificity of the pathogenesis.
  7. Vitamins. With osteonecrosis, vitamins are prescribed, which have a beneficial effect on the peripheral nervous system and improve electrical conductivity. Water-soluble vitamins: B1, B6, B12, fat-soluble vitamins: A, C, D, E. In recent years, combined preparations containing both pain relievers and vitamin ingredients are commonlyprescribe more.

Only a team of qualified specialists can choose the most suitable therapy, including neurologists, physiotherapists, masseurs, surgeons, doctorsvertebra.


Exercise therapy to treat cervical bone necrosis should be done outside of an exacerbation. The greatest effect of this technique is in recovery time. No discomfort and pain during the complex execution!

  • Exercise # 1. Lie on your stomach with your hands on the floor, raise your head and torso, your right back straight. Hold this position for 1-2 minutes. Slowly lower yourself to the floor. Repeat 2-3 times.
  • Exercise number 2. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms straight along your body, turn your head to the left, try to touch the floor with your ear, then turn your head to the right. Repeat 6-7 times in each direction.
  • Exercise number 3. In a sitting position, while breathing in, bend forward and try to touch your chest with your head, then exhale, bend and tilt your head back. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Exercise number 4. While sitting, place palms on forehead, rest palms on forehead and forehead on palms. Continue this exercise for 30 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
  • Exercise number 5. Slowly turn your head first in one direction, then the other. 10 rotations in each direction. Be careful of dizziness. When it appears, the exercise stops.

Massage Therapy

Massage can be done at home, but take great care not to aggravate and harm the patient. The patient should be in a prone position, hands on forehead and chin towards chest. The neck muscles should be completely relaxed.

  1. Stroking. The massage should be started with movements: stroking the collar area in the direction from the lymph nodes to the maxillary lymph nodes and the armpits. Then the flat and brushed strokes are applied.
  2. Push up. To do push-ups, the masseur places one hand over the neck (index fingers and thumbs should be together) and moves down the spine. Push-ups can also be performed with the palm edge up to the shoulder joint.
  3. Massage therapy for cervical fibrosis
  4. Rub. Massage is done to warm the muscles, relax and improve blood flow to this area. Massage should be initiated at the base of the skull, making circular and straight movements with your fingers. You can also perform palm saws parallel to the ribs.
  5. Knows. Should knead the neck in a circular motion.
  6. Vibration. The massage ends with swiping and vibrating, done by shaking and touching.

Massage is necessary to increase muscle tone and relieve pain. Depending on the stage of bone necrosis, a massage technique is selected. However, when performing neck massage, experts use all the techniques of classical massage: rubbing, stroking, kneading, etc. v. In the case of patient pain on only one side, massage starts from the healed part of the neck, gradually to the part of the collar where the pain arises.

Manual therapy

Manual therapy helps to cope with both acute and chronic pain, it also increases range of motion and improves posture well. The main methods of manual therapy for necrosis of the cervical spine:

  1. Relaxing and fractional massage. It is used to heat muscles and relieve stress.
  2. Mobilization. Actions intended to restore joint function by force.
  3. Operation
  4. . A strong push at the patient's pathological areas. This procedure is accompanied by a characteristic crack (returning the joint to its normal position).

Chiropractors should be familiar with these techniques. Otherwise, any error may result in injury.

Orthopedic pillows

Orthopedic pillows

Orthopedic sleeping pillows are an effective preventive tool. In many cases, bone necrosis is exacerbated by additional compression of the cervical artery and nerve roots while sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow. Orthopedic products ensure a person's uniform horizontal posture while sleeping and thus, ensure a physiologically adequate supply of blood to the brain.

When choosing a pillow, one should take into account the individual anatomical characteristics of a person and correlate them with the mass and characteristics of the filler. A properly selected pillow offers practical benefits for patients with osteoarthritis of the cervix.


Physiotherapy procedure for cervical necrosis:

  1. Electrophoresis. It should be used with an analgesic (anesthetic), injected under the skin with electronic pulses.
  2. Ultrasound. It has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the tissues of the cervical spine, thereby eliminating swelling and pain.
  3. Magnetic therapy. A safe treatment that involves exposing damaged cells to low frequency magnetic fields. It has analgesic effects, acts as an anti-inflammatory.
  4. Laser therapy. Improves blood circulation in affected areas, reduces swelling, tissue pain.

Physiotherapeutic procedures have a beneficial effect on the disc and vertebrae during cervical degeneration. Combined with medication, combination therapy helps to cure the symptoms of the disease. Procedures are performed in hospitals or specialist offices in general clinics. Before starting the course, you must consult your doctor, determine the duration of physical therapy, types. It is strictly forbidden to pass it during exacerbations.

Shants collar

Groove neck

The Shants Necklace is a soft and comfortable device, fastened with Velcro at the back and used for cervical manipulation of the cervix. But not for treatment, but for temporary relaxation and fatigue relief. It is impossible to put on without taking off, otherwise the neck muscles will stop working and soon shrink. If the correct Shants collar is chosen, the patient will feel comfortable and protected.

Collars are strictly selected according to size in pharmacies or orthopedic stores. Better than being in a store, since the people who work there, as a rule, know their business fairly well and product features, which means they can help out on a case by case basis. specifically.

Folk remedies

If the pain from osteoporosis of the spine becomes intolerable and constant, then you will agree to anything to stop it and here traditional complex treatments will tonicsuccessfully added the traditional methods.

  • press celery root (5 grams per 1 liter of boiling water) for 4 hours, drink one tablespoon before each meal;
  • compressed honey, we take 2 teaspoons. honey and 1 mummy tablet. We heat the ingredients in a pot of water, spread it over a cloth and place it on the cervical area, i. e. the neck, at night;
  • in case of acute pain, hydroponics help me. I just wash the leaves, rinse it with boiling water, let it cool a bit, put it on my neck and wrap a thin towel overnight - tomorrow morning you can live and work;
  • we press chamomile into vegetable oil for two days, boil first (for 500 ml of oil, 30 grams of a plant is needed), rub on the sore;
  • applying honey potatoes is also effective, for this vegetable, it is necessary to grind and mix with equal amounts of honey, apply on the sore neck at night, use regularly, at least onceone week.


As usual, proper preventive treatment will help avoid cervical necrosis, but of course all physical exercises should be done regularly, otherwise there will be very littlebenefit from "recurring" exercises.

Remember the simple rules:

  • Eat more foods with calcium and magnesium. It's fish, peas, beans, nuts, cheese, herbs, but it's better to abstain from sugar, flour, smoked foods, spicy foods.
  • regularly participates in sports, especially swimming, aqua aerobics and gymnastics to lengthen and flex the vertebrae, is also a good way to prevent necrosisbones, can be exercised at home.
  • when sedentary, do a special group of exercises at least a few times per day.
  • choose a good orthopedic pillow and mattress, ideal for the neck, which supports the head in the correct anatomical position during sleep (yes, your favorite giant pillows won't cause problemsabout the spine! )

If you already have such a diagnosis, then the patient should release his or her spine, namely:

  1. Be extra careful with lifting and carrying weights, it is better to go to the store twice rather than pull the heavy bag with both hands, putting your neck and shoulders under extreme strain;
  2. Do not overheat, avoid drafts and cold air from the air conditioner (some people like to cool down on a hot day so stand with their back to the fan);
  3. When bending the trunk forward - remember bone necrosis process;
  4. Prevent muscle from overheating, which can happen during excessively hot baths;
  5. Don't forget to periodically leave the screen, change body position, not sit for hours or even days;
  6. Hold your neck by purchasing Shants collars;
  7. If possible, if your cardiovascular system permits, take a sauna.

In summary, I would like to say that a child is at risk of osteonecrosis (father and mother already has it) and an adult with it throughout life just needs to take preventive measures. preventing disability and not having to be on the operating table, After all, the operation is quite complicated and requires long-term rehabilitation. In addition, it is not always possible, because there are cases where surgery is not possible, health should be protected from a young age, as long as the disc is intact and does not develop unnecessary pressure on blood vessels. .