Serious causes of pain in the whole left side of the body, the limbs

The attacks of pain without the exact location of all scary. Especially when poured into the left side of the body, extends to the hands and feet. In most cases, can not do without medical help.

back pain

It's hard to explain to your family or your colleagues, it hurts the whole left side is not considered to be a malingerer. Even the doctors sometimes spend more than an inquiry to identify the cause. But these symptoms can't be ignored. After all, simultaneous pain in the left upper quadrant, hand, and foot can also be a messenger of stroke, heart attack or other critical illnesses.

Problems with the spine

Left side of the body can be damaged in the trauma. This is the source of the discomfort is obvious. In other cases, the first survey carried out in two directions: analyze the condition of the heart, the spine. Because the diseases of the musculoskeletal system often manifests itself in other pain, left with a vague localization.


When the blood circulation in the tissues of the spine, the intervertebral discs are less flexible, fibrous ring is gradually destroyed, compromising the nerve roots. This leads to a number of factors:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • heavy physical work;
  • age-related changes of the body;
  • endocrine diseases.

The result of the right or left side of the back, the neck, the lower back start to hurt. Changes the sensitivity of other parts of the body. The localization of unpleasant sensations associated with the location of destructive-dystrophic process. So, the cervical osteochondrosis often occurs pain in the left shoulder, arm, numbness of the fingers and the outer edge of the palm. Arise when the lumbar back pain, pulling pain, paresthesia in the corresponding part of the back, hips, legs.



Since the narrowing of the distance between the clamped vertebrae inflamed nerve fibers extending from the spinal cord. This complication of degenerative disc disease address sciatica. As an independent pathology arises in response to a fall, sudden movement, hypothermia, damage to back muscles.

Cervical-brachial form send the pain, all the upper fourth of the body: the shoulder, neck, hand. Radiculopathy lumbar-sacral – sciatica affects the sciatic nerve. There is pain in the left hip, buttocks, spreading down the leg to the heel. In the initial stages of the possible complaints about the "track" of the lower leg, felt the cold.

You can't escape these diseases. Destroyed records cannot be recovered. After the removal of the pain syndrome and the acute inflammation, the only reliable way to keep the disease remains the prevention. This includes mandatory physiotherapy, posture, control, healthy lifestyle. Help regular treatment, body massage stimulates the blood circulation in the area affected vertebrae.


Aching, burning, or sharp pain in the left side – not necessarily the heart. Could be intercostal neuralgia. But the symptoms are very similar:

  • the pain comes on suddenly, after a slight movement of the body;
  • the whole left side of the chest may turn pale or blush;
  • the feeling radiating under the shoulder blade and lower back;
  • increased sweating;
  • observed, burning, loss of feeling in some parts of the body;
  • a deep breath, sneezing, coughing increases the severity of symptoms.

This all happens because the damage to nerve fibers in the intercostal region. Cause irritation related hypothermia, stagnation of blood, injury, poisoning, complications of infectious diseases, or degenerative disc disease. Usually influenced by a range of factors, including fatigue, decreased immunity.

The main symptoms that help to distinguish neuralgia the pain in my heart.

  1. The irritation of the intercostal receptors feelings do not go away from nitro, but weakens under the sedative effect of (valid, Painkiller).
  2. The angina attacks are usually short, pain on the left side and under the shoulder – squeezing, severe physical exertion by. The neuralgia, the whole upper part of the body hurt more than a day, answer to no movement.
  3. When palpation of the chest or the back stands out a painful point between the ribs, the spine near.

The main method of treatment of neuralgia – the elimination of the causes that provoked the irritation of the nerves. To identify just a neurologist after the initial tests. Because the disease is to be differentiated from renal colic, angina, and sciatica.

Heart pathology

the doctor

Complaints of pain in the heart in the left hypochondrium, which specifies that the shoulder, arm, neck, jaw not always associated with the coronary artery disease with angina. Similar symptoms are observed cardialgia due to inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) or destruction of the heart membrane (pericarditis). These diseases complications arise, such as a cold, flu, pneumonia, and other infectious diseases.

If the disease is not seen in the initial stages, you may develop a virtually symptom-free. When a heart muscle inflammation:

  • fatigue;
  • heart palpitations;
  • shortness of breath, mild pain after a small load;
  • later he joined the dizziness;
  • swelling in the lower extremities.

Pericarditis rarely occurs as an independent disease. About to warn

  • the pain, if the body is tilted forward, lying on the left side;
  • a different force sensation in the chest that is transmitted to the back, the arms, the lower back;
  • rapid, irregular weak pulse;
  • cough without sputum;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • some pallor of the body (especially hands, legs).

Early detection, timely treatment of heart diseases, reduces the risk of heart attack. Recurring pain in the left hypochondrium and the region of the heart should result in the doctor's office. The diagnosis of the ECG and EchoCG. These can help diagnose heart rhythm abnormalities, reveals the size of the heart cavities in the presence of the fluid in the bag. X-rays show possible tumors, diseases of the ribs, the lungs.


Before the stroke, the pain, the body, the limbs occurs rarely. On the contrary, one side of the body lose sensitivity. But when the lesion is in the brain in the region of the optic thalamus develops in the post-stroke pain left or right along the body – thalamic syndrome. Additional features:

  • pain, blinding light, movement, emotions;
  • the perception of temperature;
  • certain tactile stimuli seems to be more;
  • often accompanied by tingling, decreased sensitivity of the skin.

The thalamus is the highest center of pain sensitivity. Causes of symptoms due to lack of oxygen in the tissues due to reduced blood flow. The pain in the left limbs, occurs when the lesion is on the other side of the brain. But after a stroke, pain on one side of the body, even if the affected natallichka structure. In addition to the Central neuropathic pain is pain, muscle spasm.


To combat the painful effects of stroke prescribe the concomitant use of antidepressants, anticonvulsants. Muscle pain relieve muscle relaxants, massage, special exercises, physical therapy.

Whatever caused one-sided pain in the left hypochondrium, thigh, arm, or other, the self-test will not be able to determine the exact cause. 3 hours prior to your visit to the clinic, it is recommended to refrain painkillers, sedatives. And in the case of acute deterioration required emergency medical care.