Back pain: causes, treatment

Legs and arms are easy to train do routine care. The rear remains almost passive. If you start to hurt, the neglect, the disease will not work. People often refer to the doctors questions, what to do if the back pain.

back pain

Why am I having back pain? This question is to be answered, a doctor who will first examine bad-back to gather the necessary studies, and history. After the usual lifting, bags, or cleaning the house. In such a situation, a run to the pharmacy, where they will learn the different gels and ointments. However, these tools rarely help, which was caused by the drug use.

The manufacturers need to sell a product. If the device does not apply to the medical, then you will not have any impact. Also, if the back pain caused by serious diseases, you need to treat the disease, not the pain.

The website introduces the readers to the fact that the pain in the back caused by different factors. Set them to a doctor, although the feelings that can only pain:

  • Inter-vertebral hernia.
  • Lesions of the spine.
  • Stretching the muscles.
  • Diseases of the organs of the thoracic cavity.

Some of these factors require surgical treatment, while others can be cured in various ointments, and massage. Contact your doctor, who will determine the nature of the pain and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

First, find out the reasons that led to the emergence of pain in the area of the back. It should be considered here:

  1. Osteoporosis.
  2. Pleural effusion, acute or chronic form. This, together with the difficulty in breathing, fever, cough.
  3. Pyelonephritis, urolithiasis and other diseases of the genitourinary system.
  4. Cancer metastases to the spine.
  5. Inter-vertebral hernia.
  6. Lower back pain.

The most common cause of back pain two opposing effects. The first of them in the sedentary lifestyle. The work of many people to all sit. Some volunteer their days lying or sitting position. In any case, back pain can occur due to unnatural stress on the ligaments and small joints.

Constantly staying in one position, the load is applied in certain parts of the spine, muscle. However, other groups of muscles vertebrae may be involved. If someone suddenly begins to move, the muscles start to hurt. The sedentary lifestyle also leads to various lesions of the spine appear later in the pain.

The second reason is training. Many of you may be surprised to sport, or physical activity affect the event the back pain. In fact, if the people for a long time not practicing, but suddenly begins to perform various physical actions, it is natural to have pain. The muscles need to be trained, not suddenly loaded. And then the pain is not.

There is no doubt that the movement's valuable work on the ligaments, vertebrae, muscles of the spine. However, you should do the movement is moderate. You don't need to sit continuously in one place. Static provisions are harmful back, in the same way as the excessive load. Should be a moderate step, to the participants in all regions of the spine.

What to do if you have to hurt your back?

Back pain appears when the muscle weakness of the spine, various diseases, trauma, injury, physical exertion and sudden movements. You should listen to your own body to keep track of when you start to get pain. What to do if you feel that your back hurts?

  1. Give your back a rest. Roughly speaking, you need to stay in bed until my back doesn't hurt. Here it is necessary to occupy, in a comfortable position. This can be a fetal position, or put the pillow between the legs when the person is lying on the side. To get out of bed, but maybe not.
  2. Use an orthopedic corset or belt. This method will help you, who can't lie. The rear in this case, it is necessary to support. By all to slowly, without harshness, not to lift heavy objects, do not twist the spine a long time, not in the same situation.
  3. To the medication. The hotel is analgesic, anti-inflammatory drugs . Tablets after meals with milk to avoid stomach.

It is better if drugs are prescribed by a doctor. Here is able to prescribe the drug:

  • To relieve the muscle cramps.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Enriched with b-vitamins.

To eliminate the acute pain, you can use these ointments, gels.

The choice is fairly varied makes it easy to find a tool that will help your back pain elimination. Don't forget to heal you need to stop and consult a doctor if such symptoms:

  1. The pain persists after the use of anti-inflammatory drugs for 3 days.
  2. In the legs there are areas where poor sensitivity.
  3. It's impossible to find a comfortable position in a sitting position.
  4. There were problems with the urination delay or urinary incontinence.
  5. Happened weakness in the legs.
  6. Increased body temperature to 38°C.

In order to avoid the medical help you don't have to, because we can talk about the disease, of the spine, which is not treated in a simple manner.

Exercises for pain in the back


Back pain it's never played, you need to constantly engage in moderate exercise to strengthen the muscles of the spine. If the leader of the sedentary lifestyle, then you need to do exercises when you allow your back to change its position, and then relax. Here come exercises for the back:

  • Within 5 seconds, press the shoulder blades, in the chair, then 5 seconds to rest.
  • Lower the shoulder a few times.
  • Reduce the shoulder a few times.
  • Press back on the chair for 5 seconds, then the same time to take a rest.
  • 4 seconds, press the chair back to the back of his head, and at the same time to relax.

These exercises will help you relax during the day. Can be diluted with other exercises. The main thing that were made before he developed the back pain. It's also possible that colleagues or family members.

From a standstill can do these exercises:

  • On the inhalation, raise the arms forward, up, then lower and relax.
  • Keep your hands on the belt, so that a smooth control of back and forth, each time return to its original position.
  • Manually merged to the shoulder. Inhalation to take them back, exhale to connect the elbow in front of chest.
  • Quickly go to the place of hands on my waist.
  • Put your hands on your hips. Rise to the socks, and then slowly sink.
  • Hand to place on the page. Inhale to lift, exhale to lower.

It's good to combine exercises sports 2-3 times a week. Exercise should be moderate load. You should listen to the feeling in the spine.

The necessary to consult a doctor, who designated a special complex of therapeutic exercises if back pain is already present inconvenience. In this case, the individual is better, if you don't have to do that more myself, that don't hurt.